Three Most Common Jewellery Repairs

Jewellery has some sentimental value to it. For some, jewellery helps them understand the true value of love while to others, every time they wear their favourite piece, it helps them reminisce over memories of people dear to them.

If you own jewellery that has lost its lustre, worry not, this is normal to things that have been worn over time. The good news is that repair experts can help in bringing back your most valued piece to life.

Apart from the usual wear and tear, there are other damages any jewellery owner must always look out for. When damage occurs and you are still within your warranty period, you can actually have it replaced. However, below are some of the most common repairs your jewellery will need from time to time.

Sizing and Soldering

The size of your fingers varies depending on the weather. If your wedding ring doesn’t fit right as it used to a while back, you might have to take it for resizing. Soldering is also another thing you might want to consider as it helps in preserving your wedding set from damage.

Clasp Repair

If you own a chain that you hardly get off your neck, you must know the pain that comes with its clasp getting broken. Don’t give up on it yet as a professional jeweller can actually fix it. You won’t even notice the difference with what was there before. The secret is getting a professional repairer with great experience in jewellery repairing.

Polishing and Cleaning

Your jewellery will need some polishing and cleaning every once in a while as the lotion and soap you use every day won’t be so kind to it. It doesn’t matter how old your jewellery is, if it has lost its original shine, then it needs some cleaning and polishing.

Different Types of Watches You Should Know

Are you looking for the perfect gift to give to your partner or to a friend for their upcoming birthday? Well, a watch is a good idea, but picking the right one for the person you mean to gift it to is not a mean feat. To ensure you pick the right one, you need to do some research on the different types available in the market. The last mistake you would want to commit when choosing a gift for a loved one is to pick something they won’t like. Below are the different options available in the market.

Analogue Watches

This is the most common type of watch likely to be found in many homes and probably the one you will think of first when shopping for one. The watch usually comes with an hour hand, minute hand, and sometimes a seconds hand. Depending on what you prefer, they come in different shapes and sizes.

Digital Watches

These are more advanced than the analogue ones. If the person you are shopping for is into fitness, this would make a perfect gift for them. Time on digital watches is displayed on an LCD screen.

Hybrid Watches

This is simply a combination of analogue and digital features. This type is the most suitable for people who prefer versatile gadgets. Time is displayed on an LCD screen but some come with an hour and a minute hand.

Tactile Watches

Just as the name suggests, tactile watches are meant to tell time even without looking at them. They come in different designs and are most suitable for people living with blindness. This type is not very common in this day and age but you can still find them in stores that specialise in vintage pieces.

Why Vintage Watches Are Making a Comeback

It is rather interesting that vintage timepieces are slowly becoming trendy as more and more people continue falling for the charm of these old-fashioned pieces.

To meet the changing preferences of buyers, watch manufacturers seem to have raided their archives to bring back some of their best selling retro pieces back in the day, and the market has not been disappointing. So what could possibly be fuelling this sudden obsession with vintage watches in 2021?

Fashion and Style

It appears that for people who care about style, these retro timepieces can earn you quite some great points in the world of fashion. These pieces are a source of pride for people who don’t only wear watches for the purpose they were made for but also as fashion pieces.

Retro Equals Authentic

One thing you are certain of getting with retro watches is quality. If authenticity is something you value when acquiring such gadgets, then retro is the way to go. It is quite fascinating how specific watch lovers can be when buying one. A lot of research goes into the process of acquiring one.

Skeleton Dials

Apparently, the other reason why these watches are making a comeback is because of their skeleton dials which can be fascinating to watch when the hands are moving. If such intricate details matter to you, then getting yourself a vintage watch is something you might want to consider. There is also the pleasure that comes with finding a great vintage piece that you might not find anyone else with.

If you are the kind that is constantly looking for timeless pieces to add to your collection, you will undoubtedly find a lot of inspiration here.

5 Ways You are Damaging Your Watch and How To Avoid Them

Seen a timepiece with a hefty price tag and wondering whether you should invest your hard-earned money acquiring it? One great fact about most quality watches is that they are designed to last a lifetime. However, like every other gadget, if not well taken care of, even the most quality brands get damaged.

This article will discuss the different ways you can damage your watch and how to avoid them.

Mistakes to Avoid

Dropping it: This is probably the most common way through which most watches get damaged. How high or short the drop is doesn’t matter as any drop is dangerous to your timepiece. To avoid such accidents, avoid placing it in places where it can easily fall.

Improper storage: Avoid keeping your watch on extremely cold or hot surfaces as this could end up causing damage to the gaskets. Since you cannot avoid extreme temperatures sometimes, ensure the gaskets are tightly sealed always.

Wrong settings: Watches come with different instructions on when setting functions should be done. Make sure you read and understand the instructions well to avoid causing damages that occur when settings are done wrong.

Exposing it to magnetic fields: Placing your watch on electronic devices is dangerous. Some watches come with anti-magnetism labels while others don’t. Be keen to avoid unnecessary damages to your watch.

Winding it on your wrist: This may sound like the last culprit that can cause damage to your watch but isn’t. Avoid setting time when wearing your watch as you might cause damage to the crown.